Grief Recovery and Training (Shadowlands)

Shadowlands Grief Recovery Program is a 6-session Christian program with leader and participant manuals and is delivered to Church, Chaplain, Hospice and Adoption Agency staff engaged in a grief support ministry.

Brave Penny’s grief support ministry is based on the principles and actions taught in the Shadowlands Grief Recovery Program. This Christian-based curriculum combines traditional secular recovery programs with Scripture Using ”God’s Model of Grieving”.

Grief is often the forgotten ministry in churches and in organizations that serve survivors or victims of loss.  Yet, grief never fails to show up in the life of every human.  So often, it is ignored with the hope that the ones who are struggling will get over the sadness, and somehow be back to normal in no time.  This response is usually due to the support person or group simply not knowing what to say or how to help. The materials of Shadowlands can be the resource to fill the gap.

The Shadowlands materials have been in use for over twenty years in a large church in Plano TX.  The materials have guided and restored those who were adrift in hostile emotions and unable to find their “new normal”.

Interested?  Shadowlands is available under a licensing agreement which allows the licensee to receive electronic versions of the participants manual and leader’s guide which licensee is authorized to reproduce for the agreement-defined purposes. A DVD-based leader training program for the leadership staff of the organization is also available, as well as on-site leadership training by experienced brave Penny staff.

Introduction to Our Shadowlands Grief Ministry